It has been awhile since I have posted on this blog because I currently have two other blogs going. They are:
I would like to start posting to this blog every Friday. The subject will be about interesting people that I meet along my path of life. It could be someone I meet in the grocery store, or traveling about the world, or at a speaking engagement, or just anywhere. People are so interesting. My last post to this blog was about a very special woman I had met called Grace. She was such an inspiration to me. So be watching for this Friday's people post.
Sunday, February 17, 2013
Monday, August 15, 2011
A passion for life

The vintage Buick pulled into the parking stall next to mine. As I watched it all from inside the beauty salon where I was having my hair cut, I was intrigued. It looked like the car pulled in all by itself. There did not seem to be a driver. I could not take my eyes off the scene happening before my eyes.
It seemed like an eternity passed, but finally the car door began to slowly open. And then I saw her. Immediately I noticed the radiant smile on her face. It was contagious.
When she opened the door to the salon it was like a breath of fresh air entered the room. Her bubbly personality turned the heads of everyone inside. As I sat there listening to her, I was inspired by her enthusiasm or life.
Everyone in the room seemed to know her. Eventually I heard someone mention her name. GRACE, how perfect!
In the next few minutes I realized that GRACE was 90 years old. It was evident not only by her words, but by her movements and actions that GRACE was filled with a zest for life. She lived each minute to the fullest. It did not matter to her how old she was, she would dream and take chances, let go of the rope, and believe she could do anything that she set her mind to.
Instantly I was filled with a deep desire to cling to every word she said. I longed to hear her story of how the pieces of her life all fit together. The incredible story of “It's never to late to try!” was so exciting.
She shared an amazing story that happened when she was 70 years old. She had always wanted to be a clown. So once she set her mind to it, she began to take actions to make it all happen.
The first thing she did was check out the local community college to find out if there were indeed, “clown classes”. She found one, took it, and soon was wearing the costume of a clown. I would have loved to see her all dressed up and spreading her sunshine all around.
She inspired me to wake up and smell the roses. It's never too late to try. Your attitude is what life is all about. If you live your life with a “can do” attitude, there is nothing you cannot do.
The day I left that salon, I was filled with a desire to find out more about Grace. I longed to learn from her life, how to live mine to the fullest.
One day I was privileged to have Grace come to my office and share the pieces of her life with me. It was an amazing honor.
I asked Grace, “What would you like to share with others about living their lives? Her response did not surprise me. She challenged me to:
✔ Keep active
✔ Keep working at what you enjoy.
✔ Keep meeting together with others.
✔ Keep volunteering to make a difference in our world.
Who would have guessed that morning when I woke up and went to get my hair cut, that I come home inspired to live my life to the fullest. It's never to late to follow your dreams and passions.
Here's poem that I wrote in honor Grace.
Passion for Life
A woman who has a passion for life, is rare in our world today,
“Take each day as a blessing!” is what she might say.
Never looking back on the mistakes of her past,
Just living each day in a way that will last.
Age is never a factor in living out her dreams,
At seventy years old, in a clown outfit she was seen.
It didn’t just happen; she had to go to school,
The desire to work hard was her most important tool.
Inspiring those around her as her passion shines through,
Telling others to enjoy their lives is all she wants to do.
Turning the negative upside down is how she lives each day,
Growing to be like this woman is how I want to pray.
Thank you for being a passionate woman of GRACE,
Whose presence came alive in a very simple place.
Each one who gathered the day we first met,
Will remember her words, in our hearts they are set.
Monday, February 21, 2011
PRAY TOGETHER Cool picture to come......
Do you know how to change our economy? Do you know what is best to help our financially crippled stateS to return to hriving healthy states? Do you know the answers to these questions? Who really does?
Only God knows……… Maybe it’s time to put aside all of our thoughts and actions and just PRAY TOGETHER about what God wants to be done in our state.
2 Chronicles 7:14
…if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and forgive their sin and will heal their land.
It was so wonderful to hear how people gathered together in the capitol square of Madison, WI, both those for and against the Governor’s recovery package and yet there was peace. This was a sign of mature and respectful people trying to make a change in our economy. We are all in this together. We are all going to be affected by balancing the budget in one way or another. Maybe it’s time to look at the bigger picture, all the people of each state. How can we work together to turn our states around?
Maybe it’s time to give our states to God. Maybe it’s time to hold hands together in prayer. God has the power to change everything. What if we prayed together and trusted that God can turn things around. Then, He, and nobody else, would be glorified with the results.
God loves ALL of us. He does not want any of us to lose anything, but if we submit to him, who knows what better things could replace what we have lost.
What would God think if we gathered around our cities around the country, holding hands in Prayer? What would God think if we joined together to let him guide and direct our states to where he wants us to be.
Matthew 19:26
Jesus looked at them and said,
“With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”
Let’s do it!
Do you know how to change our economy? Do you know what is best to help our financially crippled stateS to return to hriving healthy states? Do you know the answers to these questions? Who really does?
Only God knows……… Maybe it’s time to put aside all of our thoughts and actions and just PRAY TOGETHER about what God wants to be done in our state.
2 Chronicles 7:14
…if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and forgive their sin and will heal their land.
It was so wonderful to hear how people gathered together in the capitol square of Madison, WI, both those for and against the Governor’s recovery package and yet there was peace. This was a sign of mature and respectful people trying to make a change in our economy. We are all in this together. We are all going to be affected by balancing the budget in one way or another. Maybe it’s time to look at the bigger picture, all the people of each state. How can we work together to turn our states around?
Maybe it’s time to give our states to God. Maybe it’s time to hold hands together in prayer. God has the power to change everything. What if we prayed together and trusted that God can turn things around. Then, He, and nobody else, would be glorified with the results.
God loves ALL of us. He does not want any of us to lose anything, but if we submit to him, who knows what better things could replace what we have lost.
What would God think if we gathered around our cities around the country, holding hands in Prayer? What would God think if we joined together to let him guide and direct our states to where he wants us to be.
Matthew 19:26
Jesus looked at them and said,
“With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”
Let’s do it!
Monday, February 14, 2011
Do you read this blog?
If anyone out there would like to see this blog continue, please send an e-mail to
I will write again if I know that someone is reading this.
Thank you,
I will write again if I know that someone is reading this.
Thank you,
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Twas the week before Christmas
Twas the week before Christmas and I’m running around,
Finding peace and quiet is not to be found.
I want to slow down, but there’s so much to do.
God, please help me to be willing to choose.
Do I need to bake four different cookies, or would just one do?
How about coffee and dessert, rather than a meal for twenty-two?
Should I keep shopping, or would a visit be a better gift?
Or maybe a date with my spouse would give him a lift.
What about the true meaning of Christmas, Jesus born in a manger,
Have I been thinking about this, or is God like a stranger?
If I want to remember the true meaning of Christmas,
I need to slow down, relax and throw out the lists.
This week before Christmas is a STOP-sign to me,
To choose what is really important and to set myself free.
Free to say, “I’m doing it different this year,”
I’m remembering with actions to make my desires clear.
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
What track are you on?
This past summer my husband and I biked many, many miles. We stopped in many quaint little towns and ate lunch in their local mom and pop restaurants. We sat on the edge of hill and watched a farmer's golden wheat field blowing ever so gently with the breeze. We stood quietly on a bridge looking down at a herd of cows below us waiting to hear them "moo". We walked our bikes through a misty dark tunnel with only a pinhole of light in front of us to be our guide. I could go on and on about the amazing sights and sounds that we experienced biking this summer, but I will save them for another time.
I want to share with you about our final bike ride of the summer. The sights and sounds of this trip will never be erased from my mind and heart. Take a look for yourself.
When I saw this train it immediately took me back to my childhood. My grandparents lived in the upstairs of a train depot in the UP of Michigan. We loved to visit them and hear the magical sound of the train clicking on the track. Every time a train would pass by I would wave at the conductor and he always waved back. I never knew who they were or where they were going. I often wondered where the tracks would lead me.
Do you ever wonder what track you are on now? Just like the train, life can take us many places. Sometimes the ride is smooth and other times it might feel rough, but the good part of the train of life is that God is the conductor. He knows exactly what track we are on. He knows how long it will take to get to our destination. We don't have to worry that we won't make it, because we will arrive right on time. We can trust our conductor.
The LORD will guide you always...
Isaiah 58:11a
I want to share with you about our final bike ride of the summer. The sights and sounds of this trip will never be erased from my mind and heart. Take a look for yourself.
When I saw this train it immediately took me back to my childhood. My grandparents lived in the upstairs of a train depot in the UP of Michigan. We loved to visit them and hear the magical sound of the train clicking on the track. Every time a train would pass by I would wave at the conductor and he always waved back. I never knew who they were or where they were going. I often wondered where the tracks would lead me.
Do you ever wonder what track you are on now? Just like the train, life can take us many places. Sometimes the ride is smooth and other times it might feel rough, but the good part of the train of life is that God is the conductor. He knows exactly what track we are on. He knows how long it will take to get to our destination. We don't have to worry that we won't make it, because we will arrive right on time. We can trust our conductor.
The LORD will guide you always...
Isaiah 58:11a
Monday, September 20, 2010
On Eagles Wings
I woke up early this morning to post my blog. I had it all finished and then suddenly it disappeared. I am sorry this is so late, but my day passed by so quickly.
'On Eagles wings'. Have you heard that song? Have you ever seen an Eagle soaring through the air? It's the most peaceful and soothing sight you can imagine.
Dave and I returned on Saturday from a 10 day, 4100 mile trip to Yellowstone and Grand Teton National parks. It was truly amazing.
We were blessed to see two eagles less than a car's length from us. We stood there in amazement that we were able to be so close to them. We stood there for the longest time watching. The Eagle would move its head so slowly as he looked around. Then suddenly without warning, the trees began to move as another Eagle made its way out of the trees and flew off. (We were told that their wing span was seven feet.) He quickly flew out of the wooded area in within minutes began soaring across the river and out of sight.
The sight of the mighty Eagle brought and amazing peace to my heart.
The Bible talks about Eagles.
Isaiah 40:30-31
Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; but those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.
Are you tired and weary? Put your hope in God and he can renew your strength. In no time you will be soaring like an Eagle.
How can we put our hope in God? By simply asking him to give you hope, to renew your strength and to build you up.
Isaiah 40:29
He gives strength to the weary, and increases the power of the weak.
Let's ask God to help us to soar on wings like an Eagle.
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
What are you AFRAID of?

What are you AFRAID of? Did something come to your mind? Now think about it for a moment. Why are you AFRAID of this? What can you do about it?
I sought the LORD, and he answered me; he delivered me from all my fears. Psalm 34:4 God can erase the fear in your life, right now. How does he do this? When we speak to God, He speaks to us.
God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear, though the earth give way and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea, though its waters roar and foam and the mountains quake with their surging. The LORD Almighty is with us; the God of Jacob is our fortress. Selah
Psalm 46:1-3,7
God wants to rescue us from all our fears. Is it time to seek him?
Monday, July 5, 2010
The Flowers

Do you take time to stop and smell the roses?
My sister, River, walks every day. As she does, she takes pictures of the beautiful flowers that she sees along the way. Then she sends me pictures of them. Oh, my gosh, they are all so beautiful. It's hard for me to decide which one I like the best because they are all amazing.
God took the time to create all of those beautiful flowers for us to enjoy. Do we take the time to stop and enjoy them?
Genesis 1:1
In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.
I encourage you this week to STOP and smell the roses. Take a walk and see how many beautiful flowers you will find. Send your pictures to me at and I will post them.
Let's enjoy God's creation today.
Monday, June 28, 2010

This past weekend I went to the races. It was a perfect night for it. Now it had been many years since I had been to the races, so I was excited to be there.
First, there were the time trials. All the cars would race to find their time. Then the fastest cars would be in the front of the line when they actually raced.
Some of the cars had been very well taken care of, others looked pretty old, and sounded pretty loud. I remember one of the cars sounding so smooth. Someone had taken the time needed to put that car in perfect shape. As a result, this car did win at least one of the races.
As I watched the races, I thought about how much training and work was involved for just one car to enter the race. It takes a deep commitment to make it all happen. I'm sure it took years to get the car in shape, to find the driver, and to put together all the details involved with being a contestant in the race.
This all reminded me of the "race of life" for a Christian. We don't start our race knowing all the details of the Christian life. It takes training and work to build our love relationship with God. He has a plan for our lives. There comes a point when we need to make a commitment to get our Spiritual life in shape and allow God to be the driver in our lives.
However, I consider my life worth nothing to me, if only I may finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me--the task of testifying to the gospel of God's grace. Acts 20:24
If you need help getting your Spiritual life ready for the race, contact us at or check out
Monday, June 21, 2010
Peace like a river
I have peace like a river, I have peace like a river, I have peace like a river in my soul....oh oh. Do you remember the old song, Peace like a river? We all long for peace in our lives, but often the lives that we live rob us of our peace.
Life is filled with many challenges. They are different for each of us. What challenges are you facing today?
Maybe it's the loss of a loved one.
Maybe it's the news that we received from the Dr.
Maybe it's spouse that has been unfaithful.
Maybe you lost your job.
Maybe you are experiencing overwhelming debt issues.
What is your challenge today? ____________________________________________
Throughout my life I realized that I live with my challenges way too long. It's not until I get to the end of myself that I am ready to turn them over to God. He loves me and wants to handle everything in my life, but I need to let go, and let God do it.
"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls."
Are you ready to find rest for your soul? Give that burden to God. Let go and let God do it.
How do you give your burden to God? It's simple. Take some time to STOP and talk to him. You could pray something like this.
Dear God,
My heart is so burdened with........... I give it all to you. Please take control of ............... and fill me with peace like a river.
Matthew 11:28
Life is filled with many challenges. They are different for each of us. What challenges are you facing today?
Maybe it's the loss of a loved one.
Maybe it's the news that we received from the Dr.
Maybe it's spouse that has been unfaithful.
Maybe you lost your job.
Maybe you are experiencing overwhelming debt issues.
What is your challenge today? ____________________________________________
Throughout my life I realized that I live with my challenges way too long. It's not until I get to the end of myself that I am ready to turn them over to God. He loves me and wants to handle everything in my life, but I need to let go, and let God do it.
"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls."
Are you ready to find rest for your soul? Give that burden to God. Let go and let God do it.
How do you give your burden to God? It's simple. Take some time to STOP and talk to him. You could pray something like this.
Dear God,
My heart is so burdened with........... I give it all to you. Please take control of ............... and fill me with peace like a river.
Matthew 11:28
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