Monday, June 15, 2009

Moving OUT into the Unknown

Logo created by Jeremy Gove

Isaiah 30:21
Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying,
“This is the way; walk in it.”

Dear God,

Thank you for how You have been leading us in this ministry. We have so many wonderful stories of how You have brought various people to us to be responsible for areas of the ministry. This past weekend You answered another prayer about providing a lawyer to look over our documents. You brought Tom, a wonderful lawyer, to us. He looked over our incorporation papers and made a few changes and we are now set to go with this. Thank You God.

Our greatest desire is to have complete confirmation that this is Your plan. We pray that You will either confirm our call to this ministry by Friday or show us that You have other plans. We want Your will in all of this.

The next step in the process after incorporation would be to file for non-profit status. We thank You for another answer to prayer. Marilyn came across a Christian website that helps people to file for this status. The cost is around $500.00. Please God if this is Your will; please provide the money for us to finish this process within the next few weeks.

God, You are a faithful God. When You call someone to something, You will follow through and provide what is needed to accomplish the task. We are trusting You.

1 Thessalonians 5:24

The one who calls you is faithful and He will do it.

If this week brings the exciting news that we are on our way to become a non-profit ministry, please provide an opportunity for us to be commissioned into this ministry.

God, the development of this ministry has been a lifetime of work. Our goal in all of this it that YOU will be glorified in all that we do. This is our prayer to YOU, that the world will see YOU through everything that is done in

He’s SPEAKING! Are we LISTENING Ministries.

In Jesus Name, Amen.

We love you!

Monday, June 8, 2009

Our PRAY and Plan time at White Lake

Marilyn and I had a great time together at White Lake PRAYING and Planning for the ministry of He’s SPEAKING! Are we LISTENING? We felt the presence of God guiding our thoughts and actions. One exciting thing we did was PRAY and Paddle. Marilyn has a paddle boat and together we paddled around the lake praying together all the way.

Here are Marilyn's thoughts about our paddling excursion:

As we paddled along God continued to illustrate lessons about our relationship with Him and each other.

While we both paddled together, the trip was fairly smooth. But we noticed how hard it was when only one of us was paddling….the strain on our muscles, the unevenness of our forward movement. That is the way it is with our walk with God. When we are on board with him, he helps us with our journey. But when we try to do it alone, it becomes difficult and frustrating.

As we paddled along, we kept thinking of different analogies of our paddle boat ride.

The wind started to pick up and the waves got higher…this made our trip slower and more difficult when we were paddling. As we were crossing the waves there were times that it seemed we were getting nowhere, but as we paddled together we got through the waves.

We decided to see what it would be like to have only one person paddle through the waves….not pleasant as now we not only had to battle the waves alone, but carry the other’s weight and work was twice as hard. We found ourselves going forward and then backward a little as the wind would catch us. That is the way life can be – but as we paddled together we continued to move forward… but when one of us stopped paddling, the other could not keep a constant forward movement. We also noticed if we approached the waves in a certain way the ride wasn’t as rough. When God is our captain, he gets us through the waves…it may be bumpy, but we know we will be able to overcome with God’s direction.

We also noticed that when we had the wind at our back….we had easy forward movement and we certainly liked this time as we could relax and put our feet up and float along the water.

We also saw God’s beautiful creation all around us…the trees, birds, flowers, fish, frogs, sky, and clouds….. then we saw the most beautiful sight……diamonds twinkling on the lake as the sun kissed the water. We were totally blessed.

There were so many illustration of God’s love on our paddle boat ride…we shall never forget.

Robin's thougths:

The most important lessons we learned on this Board retreat: Everything we do MUST begin with PRAYER. We have always believed this, but we experienced this first hand on our trip. We also realized that with one person, little can be accomplished, with two even more can be accomplished. I am so excited. We now have eight different people helping us in different ways. Can you imagine how much can be accomplished with all of us working together?

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

PRAY and plan…. OR…. PLAN and pray

Tomorrow Marilyn and I will be heading off to her cabin on the lake for some PRAY and plan time. As we begin to move forward in this ministry, it must be PRAY and plan, not PLAN and pray. We both realize that God is the only one that we want leading this Ministry. My prayer is that this will always be the attitude in our hearts as we begin to move out and become a ministry.

We would appreciate your prayers as we seek to hear the voice of God for His plans for this ministry. If He speaks, move forward and begin this ministry, WE WILL. If He speaks, stop and turn around, WE WILL. Our hearts are totally ready for His leading.

Isaiah 30:21
Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you saying,
“This is the way; walk in it.”