Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying,
Dear God,
Thank you for how You have been leading us in this ministry. We have so many wonderful stories of how You have brought various people to us to be responsible for areas of the ministry. This past weekend You answered another prayer about providing a lawyer to look over our documents. You brought Tom, a wonderful lawyer, to us. He looked over our incorporation papers and made a few changes and we are now set to go with this. Thank You God.
Our greatest desire is to have complete confirmation that this is Your plan. We pray that You will either confirm our call to this ministry by Friday or show us that You have other plans. We want Your will in all of this.
The next step in the process after incorporation would be to file for non-profit status. We thank You for another answer to prayer. Marilyn came across a Christian website that helps people to file for this status. The cost is around $500.00. Please God if this is Your will; please provide the money for us to finish this process within the next few weeks.
God, You are a faithful God. When You call someone to something, You will follow through and provide what is needed to accomplish the task. We are trusting You.
1 Thessalonians 5:24
The one who calls you is faithful and He will do it.
If this week brings the exciting news that we are on our way to become a non-profit ministry, please provide an opportunity for us to be commissioned into this ministry.
God, the development of this ministry has been a lifetime of work. Our goal in all of this it that YOU will be glorified in all that we do. This is our prayer to YOU, that the world will see YOU through everything that is done in
He’s SPEAKING! Are we LISTENING Ministries.
In Jesus Name, Amen.
We love you!