This afternoon we got together to make Prayer Blankets for our ministry. You might wonder, "What is a Prayer Blanket?"
A Prayer Blanket is a soft colorful blanket that is made by a group of people. While we are making it, we pray for whoever is going to need it. Then when we hear of someone who is going through a difficult time we will deliver it to them. We will let them know that we have been praying for them. There are many reasons why someone would want a Prayer Blanket. They are free to anyone who would like to be covered with prayer.
Today we sat around the table in our Office Center and made a Prayer blanket. It was red, black and white fleece print. As we were making the blanket we stopped and prayed for the person who would receive it. We will deliver it to them and pray that God would give us the words to be an encouragement to them.
We are trying to build up our stock of Prayer Blankets for anyone who might need one. We recently gave one to someone who was having surgery, and today the one we made was for a woman who will be having an extended stay in the hospital.
It is such a blessing to offer hope and encouragement to people as they go through difficult times.
If you know of anyone who might appreciate a Prayer Blanket, all you need to do is contact us and we will take care of delivering a Prayer Blanket to them.
If you are interested in helping us make a Prayer blanket we would be happy to have you join us.