Friday, May 22, 2009


Throughout my twenty-three years of learning to listen, God would always bring someone along to be just the encouragement I needed to keep me going. My family has played that role over and over again. I am so thankful for each one of them.

Then there has been another person that has been in my life for many years. Her name is Marilyn. Several years ago I shared the vision for this ministry with her. She was encouraging, but at that time, she did not feel I was ready to begin moving forward. She did not tell me this at the time, but in her heart she just knew that I was not ready. God was still working in me and looking back, He was.

The past January I felt overwhelmed with the thoughts that were swirling around in my head about He’s SPEAKING! Are we LISTENING?, The Inside Outside MAKEOVER, The Community Connection, etc., etc. Time was passing quickly and I did not know if I would ever get this all pulled together. I am a dreamer and a visionary, but pulling it all together was way out of reach for me. I prayed that God would send someone along to get this ministry off the ground, but I also knew that God’s timing is perfect.

One day in February, I was at a Prayer Committee meeting at church. We ended our session in Prayer. It was during this time that I felt an overwhelming urgency that it was time to begin moving out with all of the dreams in my heart. I had no idea how to begin and quit frankly, I was tired. I thought it would be so much easier to just turn the other way and do something completely different.

As I was pulling out of the church parking lot, my phone rang. It was Marilyn. One thing led to another and we ended up meeting at a local coffee shop. We sat and talked, or should I say, I talked. God used Marilyn in my life that day to encourage me to keep going and not to give up. I’ll never forget the words that she said to me that day. She firmly said, “Robin, you can’t give up. This is good stuff!” I needed to hear these words on this day. I left the coffee shop that day uplifted and being reminded that

1 Thessalonians 5:24
The one who calls you is faithful and He will do it.

It is now four months later, and Marilyn has just completed our Ministry Manual. She is truly a gifted woman. She has been using her talents to guide us to the door of becoming a non-profit. We are walking blindly by faith, and taking one day at a time. We have no idea where the money will come from to actually become a non-profit, but we know that with God nothing is impossible.

So much has happened so quickly. My sister Sharon told me years ago, when things begin happening it will be unbelievable. UNBELIEVABLE! That is truly the word I would use to describe our feelings.

I would like to publicly thank Marilyn, my dear friend, for being there for me when I felt like quitting everything I had been working on for so long. I will cherish the memory of that day in the coffee shop. I know God has great plans for Marilyn’s life. I am honored that she has joined together with me in this ministry as Executive Administrator.

I mentioned to Marilyn that I wanted to write this and this was her humble reply:

It is nice of you to want to thank me publicly on the net...but it is God not me that deserves the thanks. When we listen to his voice we need to obey. I know it was God that prompted me to call you that day for he knew just what you needed. I certainly had no clue why but that is just like God......he picks us up just when he knows we feel like quitting. So I want to give him back the praise, as he placed me in your path that day not only to give you renewed hope and encouragement but to give me the mission to help out. As inadequate as I feel, this above any other mission has taught me to humble myself and totally rely on God's leading. I am excited to see how God will help people through this ministry and it is a blessing to be serving the Lord together.

Thanks Marilyn!
Sisters in Christ,

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