Every single day we have so many choices to make. It begins by what we want to eat for breakfast, what are we going to wear that day, which way do we want to go to work? There are so many choices from the moment we wake up.
Then we have other life choices like who we will marry, where we will live, and what job we want to pursue.
God created us with the capacity to choose. He did not make us robots? He made us people with minds that can choose what they want in their lives.
Now as the holiday season is upon us we have choices to make as well. When will we put the tree up, what cookies do we want to bake, what presents should we buy?
Do you ever get so crazy busy for the holidays that you do not even have time to do the things you want to do.
Why don't you choose to change this holidays season. You can make many choices that will make your holiday what you want to be. I'd like to share a few examples of change that have helped my holidays.
I realized last week that I had not even begun Christmas shopping. I started to stress about it, but then remembered that I could shop online. So at 11:00 pm I began my shopping at Amazon. Within a few hours everything was bought and would be shipped right to my door. Each time a gift arrived, I would wrap it. Now, I am done shopping and wrapping and relaxing with my holiday.
Another thing, what about company. We always like to have company during the holidays, but then it takes all day to cook. So the past few years, instead of doing this, we invite people over for dessert. That is so much easier.
Baking cookies takes alot of time, and honestly it is not my favorite thing to do. Years ago I would make all kinds of cookies and dread doing it. I made a choice to bake the cookies that I like the best, and that is the only cookie I bake. I take a few hours and make ALOT of them. Then I freeze them, and I am done.
So the bottom line: You have the power to choose what your holiday looks like. What will you choose?
The same goes with our relationship with God. We have to choose if we want to have one. God won't force us to come to him. He wants us to choose to spend time with him. After all, he loves us. In fact, he loves us so much he sent his son Jesus to be born, and then die on the cross, so that if we believe we can have eternal life in heaven. Jesus is the reason for the season. What choices can we make this holiday season to help us remember the true meaning of Christmas.
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