It was 5:30 am. The sudden ringing of my phone startled me. I thought, “Who could be calling so early in the morning?” As I picked up the phone, I heard the familiar voice of my husband, Dave. His words sent a chill up my spine. “I’m ok, but I just totaled my car.”
He began to explain what happened.
In the darkness of the early morning hours, he was driving down the interstate heading for Chicago. Suddenly he saw sparks flying on the opposite side of the road. A truck was driving without a tire on the driver’s side. The metal was hitting the pavement creating the sparks.
Suddenly without warning there was a huge tire coming straight at him. In seconds it pounded against the front of the car. Dave slammed on the brakes, and headed for the side of the road. He could see a glimpse of flames in the front of the car. He quickly got out of the car and watched the flames roar over the front of his car.
Dave walked away from this scene without a scratch. Together we praised God for going before him and protecting him.
We never know from one day to the next what life will hurl at us. Every day I pray for my family that God will go before them in their day. God was clearly going before Dave on this morning.
The man who took the car from the scene said to Dave, “You are a lucky man.” We know that it has nothing to do with luck. It is the powerful God of the universe going before us.
Dear God, thank you for going before me today and protecting me.
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