Tuesday, November 23, 2010

What track are you on?

This past summer my husband and I biked many, many miles. We stopped in many quaint little towns and ate lunch in their local mom and pop restaurants. We sat on the edge of hill and watched a farmer's golden wheat field blowing ever so gently with the breeze. We stood quietly on a bridge looking down at a herd of cows below us waiting to hear them "moo". We walked our bikes through a misty dark tunnel with only a pinhole of light in front of us to be our guide. I could go on and on about the amazing sights and sounds that we experienced biking this summer, but I will save them for another time.

I want to share with you about our final bike ride of the summer. The sights and sounds of this trip will never be erased from my mind and heart. Take a look for yourself.

When I saw this train it immediately took me back to my childhood. My grandparents lived in the upstairs of a train depot in the UP of Michigan. We loved to visit them and hear the magical sound of the train clicking on the track. Every time a train would pass by I would wave at the conductor and he always waved back. I never knew who they were or where they were going. I often wondered where the tracks would lead me.

Do you ever wonder what track you are on now? Just like the train, life can take us many places. Sometimes the ride is smooth and other times it might feel rough, but the good part of the train of life is that God is the conductor. He knows exactly what track we are on. He knows how long it will take to get to our destination. We don't have to worry that we won't make it, because we will arrive right on time. We can trust our conductor.

The LORD will guide you always...
Isaiah 58:11a

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