Thursday, April 30, 2009

Roving Reporter, Robin

(I will be wearing one of my many hats while I am roving around the city.)

Our world is filled with so many stories that break my heart. After I read about them, I stop and pray about those involved. I have been doing this for over two years, but I have decided that I need to make a change. I want to look for those uplifting, unheard stories. It will be the ones that do not make the papers, but truly bless people’s hearts.

SO…I will be roving about our city praying, listening, waiting, and watching for that person to appear. You might ask, “What person?” Well, I believe that there are people out there who have discovered how exciting it is to listen to God. When He speaks to them, they obey with actions. These are the people I want to meet and the stories that I want to tell.

If you have a story that you believe others would like to hear please contact me by e-mail: I will be posting these stories on my website Just click on Roving Reporter, Robin.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

The Voice of Truth says……..

The world rushes by. Life is busy. Then all of a sudden everything STOPS. My phone begins to ring or should I say sing. I hear the familiar words that have kept me going in this work for so many years. “The voice of truth says… not be afraid.”

What is the voice of truth? It’s that quiet voice way down deep inside me. It is the voice of God’s Spirit. Should I be afraid......of anything? (What about starting a ministry?)



Why have I put this song on my cell phone? It serves as a reminder to me that wherever I go, in whatever I am doing, I am not alone. God is aways with me, going before me, in all that I do.

Isaiah 40:31
Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you saying,
“This is the way, walk in it.”

Someone said to me this week, “You seem to know when God speaks to you. How do you know His voice?” I replied simply, “The more time you spend with someone, the easier it is to recognize their voice.”

I made a choice many years ago to spend five minutes a day with God. I would read a few verses of the Bible and then pray. It wasn’t much, but it was something. I made a commitment to God that I would do this, even if I did not understand everything I was reading. I was choosing to have a relationship with Him.

If I want to have a relationship with anyone, it takes time. The more time I spend with them, the easier it is to recognize their voice.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

My Journeys with God

God is so good. He encourages us just when we need it.

There are days when I wonder if I will ever get my Journeys with God out there for people to use them. I have written twenty seven of them. I really believe that they will help people to get into the Word, but how do I get them out there?

God encouraged me today to keep working at the task before me and in His timing all things will come together. I was reminded today of an old song called, God is so good. Do you remember it? The words go like this.

God is so good, God is so good, God is so good, He's so good to me.
He answers prayer, He answers prayer, He answers prayer, He's so good to me.

I believe that God will answer my prayers in His own timing.

My first appointment of the day was to deliver one of my Journeys with God to someone who wanted to go through them. As we sat together outside enjoying the beauty of the day, I handed her my Journey and began to explain what it was all about. She looked through everything and then looked me straight in the eye and said, “Who did these?” I was a little afraid of what she was going to say next, but I had to be honest. I sheepishly replied, “I did, with the help of my son.” She slowly responded, “They are amazing.”

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Take my feet where you want me to go......

What a beautiful morning. The sun was shining and the birds were singing. The remains of winter were definitely gone. I had scheduled two appointments for the day. Over the years I have developed a habit of beginning my day by asking God to go before my day, and take my feet where He might want them to go. This day was no different. As I walked out the door for my first appointment, I paused for a moment to pray for God to go before me.

When I returned home I wanted to go for a bike ride. It was so… beautiful outside. I enjoy so much circling around on the bike trails with the wind blowing through my hair. It helps me to think more clearly and inspires me.

As I prepared to do what I wanted, a thought came to me about a meeting at my church that was at 4:00 today. It was a district women’s gathering. I kept saying to myself, “I can’t go, I did not sign up for it.” (Secretly, I really wanted to go biking.) The peace about biking had disappeared and then it hit me. I prayed for God to take my feet where HE wanted me to go, but I was heading where I wanted to go.

Within minutes, I was dressed and out the door on my way to church. As I listened to this National Women’s Director speak I was amazed. She said that it was time to get out of the boat and follow God wherever he is leading you. It seemed like every word she said was for me. Then she ended her talk by saying, “What is God calling you to do? Will you follow Him?” As I drove home inspired and excited about my future, I thought to myself what if I had done what I wanted and gone biking? I would have missed the confirmation that I would need to keep me moving forward in this ministry. THANK YOU GOD!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Our Ministry Needs A Music Director

We are looking for someone special! Our ministry is in search of a musically inclined individual who can contribute on a level equivalent to all of the others contributing. Do it because you LOVE it!!

If you are a young starving artist, we would love to talk to you! Your work can help our ministry and our ministry can expose your work.

We are ultimately searching for a Music Director that can handle a few other aspects we foresee but we are still developing and growing. So to get in now, would be so much fun!

Email Robin Gove today!!

Thank you and God Bless!


One very exciting aspect of this ministry is The LISTENING Room. It’s an idea that I developed in my own life many years ago and am looking forward to passing it on to others.

I would like to share a paragraph from my book called He’s SPEAKING! Are we LISTENING? (available at

Many years ago I began to think about my life and my times with God and I realized that I love spending time with Him. It would be the high point of my day. After examining what I did, I realized that no matter where we lived, I needed to find my special place to spend time with God. I would take time converting that space to just the way I wanted it, so I would want to go there. I called this special place “my listening room.”

You know, I haven’t always had the desire to spend time with God on a regular basis. I can remember back many years ago to when I was a young mother. I was a Christian who was con
tent just knowing that someday I would be in heaven. I never spent any time with God, except on Sundays. It wasn’t until I faced a crisis in my life that I realized that I needed more of God, much more! It was during this time that God showed me that He was there to help me no matter what I was going through... I began to recognize the comfort that I felt when I turned to the Bible on a more frequent basis.

After the crisis was over, I decided that I would begin reading the Bible for five minutes a day. I committed myself to this daily reading. Slowly it became something that I enjoyed doing and now after many years, it’s the high point of my day.

So let’s get back to the LISTENING Room. What is it? It is a secluded, set apart space for me to get alone with God. My current LISTENING Room is very different from any others that I have had. It is my tiny walk-in closet. It houses a small, soft, green leather chair that a friend of mine gave me; a stereo that I bought at a garage sale and headphones to listen to my favorite music. Each day I visit my LISTENING Room, I sit down in my chair. It doesn’t matter that there are clothes hanging on either side of me. I shut off the light, and when everything is quiet and dark, I begin speaking and listening to God. You know, it is just like talking to your best friend.

We have 3 listening rooms available in Fitchburg. I would be happy to share more information about that with you on another post. Email me if you need more information or visit our website at:

Thank you and God Bless

Friday, April 17, 2009

He's Speaking, Are We Listening Ministry

Fearful Adventures

Imagine that you are 300-400 feet high in the air. You are sitting in a little netted swing with your feet dangling. A small boat with a long rope attached to your chair is pulling you through the air. All you can see for miles and miles is brilliant blue ocean water. This fearful adventure takes your breath away and leaves you speechless.

Now imagine that you are in a small airplane. You are the co-pilot. You have never been in an airplane like this before. You are excited about this adventure, yet you are fearful too. You finally muster up the courage to look down and you see the city you live in, passing you by. The cars look so small. The buildings look like little toys. Then the pilot tells you, “You take over, it’s your turn to be the pilot.” You had never even been in a plane like this let alone become the pilot. How could you possibly do this? You slowly begin to clench the yoke or joy stick with your sweaty palms. He tells you “Watch the horizon if you lose it, that’s not good!” He no sooner says that than the horizon disappears and you aren’t sure how to find it. Would you call this a Fearful Adventure?

What are some other FEARFUL adventures? A few others I have experienced are hang-gliding, hot air ballooning, learning to ski at age 50, and riding a motorcycle.

In each one of these experiences there was fear in my heart as I began them but when it was completed, I was so thankful for not allowing fear to keep me from doing something I wanted to do more than anything.

I am about to embark on my newest adventure and a peaceful fear is all around me. I guess the peaceful part comes from God but the fearful part comes from me. For many years I have wanted to start a ministry called He’s SPEAKING! Are we LISTENING? but fear has kept me from moving forward. Until NOW.

Is there any fear in my heart? You bet there is!....But an important truth that I have learned over the years is fueling the desire to move out of my comfort zone and BEGIN.

Mark 9:23
“If you can?” said Jesus. “Everything is possible for him who believes.”

I BELIEVE! Join me on this adventure as we discover what happens when we allow God to conquer our fears.