Imagine that you are 300-400 feet high in the air. You are sitting in a little netted swing with your feet dangling. A small boat with a long rope attached to your chair is pulling you through the air. All you can see for miles and miles is brilliant blue ocean water. This fearful adventure takes your breath away and leaves you speechless.
Now imagine that you are in a small airplane. You are the co-pilot. You have never been in an airplane like this before. You are excited about this adventure, yet you are fearful too. You finally muster up the courage to look down and you see the city you live in, passing you by. The cars look so small. The buildings look like little toys. Then the pilot tells you, “You take over, it’s your turn to be the pilot.” You had never even been in a plane like this let alone become the pilot. How could you possibly do this? You slowly begin to clench the yoke or joy stick with your sweaty palms. He tells you “Watch the horizon if you lose it, that’s not good!” He no sooner says that than the horizon disappears and you aren’t sure how to find it. Would you call this a Fearful Adventure?
What are some other FEARFUL adventures? A few others I have experienced are hang-gliding, hot air ballooning, learning to ski at age 50, and riding a motorcycle.
In each one of these experiences there was fear in my heart as I began them but when it was completed, I was so thankful for not allowing fear to keep me from doing something I wanted to do more than anything.
I am about to embark on my newest adventure and a peaceful fear is all around me. I guess the peaceful part comes from God but the fearful part comes from me. For many years I have wanted to start a ministry called He’s SPEAKING! Are we LISTENING? but fear has kept me from moving forward. Until NOW.
Is there any fear in my heart? You bet there is!....But an important truth that I have learned over the years is fueling the desire to move out of my comfort zone and BEGIN.
Mark 9:23
“If you can?” said Jesus. “Everything is possible for him who believes.”
I BELIEVE! Join me on this adventure as we discover what happens when we allow God to conquer our fears.
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