I would like to share a paragraph from my book called He’s SPEAKING! Are we LISTENING? (available at http://shopping.madisonclick.com/020-1000-Robin+Gove-Author-sr-1.html
http://www.amazon.com/ http://www.barnesandnoble.com/

Many years ago I began to think about my life and my times with God and I realized that I love spending time with Him. It would be the high point of my day. After examining what I did, I realized that no matter where we lived, I needed to find my special place to spend time with God. I would take time converting that space to just the way I wanted it, so I would want to go there. I called this special place “my listening room.”
You know, I haven’t always had the desire to spend time with God on a regular basis. I can remember back many years ago to when I was a young mother. I was a Christian who was content just knowing that someday I would be in heaven. I never spent any time with God, except on Sundays. It wasn’t until I faced a crisis in my life that I realized that I needed more of God, much more! It was during this time that God showed me that He was there to help me no matter what I was going through... I began to recognize the comfort that I felt when I turned to the Bible on a more frequent basis.
After the crisis was over, I decided that I would begin reading the Bible for five minutes a day. I committed myself to this daily reading. Slowly it became something that I enjoyed doing and now after many years, it’s the high point of my day.
So let’s get back to the LISTENING Room. What is it? It is a secluded, set apart space for me to get alone with God. My current LISTENING Room is very different from any others that I have had. It is my tiny walk-in closet. It houses a small, soft, green leather chair that a friend of mine gave me; a stereo that I bought at a garage sale and headphones to listen to my favorite music. Each day I visit my LISTENING Room, I sit down in my chair. It doesn’t matter that there are clothes hanging on either side of me. I shut off the light, and when everything is quiet and dark, I begin speaking and listening to God. You know, it is just like talking to your best friend.
We have 3 listening rooms available in Fitchburg. I would be happy to share more information about that with you on another post. Email me if you need more information or visit our website at: http://www.hesspeakingarewelistening.com/
Thank you and God Bless!
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