Tuesday, June 1, 2010

There is a LIGHT at the end of the tunnel

This past weekend, Dave and I went on a two-day biking trip to northern Wisconsin. We rode on the Elroy-Sparta Trail. We ended up going 44 miles in two days. It was challenging at the end of each day, but we made it and for the most part feel great.

The unique thing about this bike trail is that there are three tunnels that you go through. You are required to walk your bike through the tunnel because it is pitch black. All you can see is a tiny light at the end of the tunnel. If you take your eyes off of the light, or try and get through by disobeying the rules and riding your bike (we tried this and it didn't work) this is when fear takes over. If you keep your eyes on that light and keep walking it gives you the courage to keep going. As you continue on the light gets bigger and bigger. Eventually the light is all you can see and you have made it to the end.

This biking trip reminded me of life. The dark tunnel reminds me of the things we are facing in our lives. The small light is Jesus in the midst of all we are going through, or the decisions that we might need to make.

We are often in the dark and do not know our way. We might see a tiny light at the end of whatever we are facing in our lives, but until we take a step toward that light our heart is filled with fear. When we keep our eyes on him, and slowly obey him, even though we might be in the dark, we are not afraid because we are keeping our eyes on Jesus. As we slowly walk toward the light it becomes clearer and eventually all we can see is the light. This is when joy appears in our lives.

What about you today? Are you in a fearful tunnel of life. If you are,look to the light of Jesus. He is there to help you with whatever you are facing. You are not alone. As you begin to walk toward Jesus by reading the Bible or praying, the light begins to grow, and the fear disappears.

So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.
Isaiah 41:10

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