Saturday, October 17, 2009


After the sun had set and all was dark I opened the book that I believed God had led me to bring along on this trip. It is called L'Abri written by Edith Schaeffer. I had read this book many years ago and it inspired me so much in my dreams.

Just to share a litte about this book; Frances and Edith Schaeffer were Americans that took their family to the mountains of Switzerland and there started L'Abri Christian Fellowship. The word L'Abri means "The Shelter", which is what they did. It started with a few people coming to their home to find some help with learning about the Christian faith. The ministry has grown to the point that there are L'Abri centers all over the world.

As I began reading this book it reminded me that when God calls us to do something it's not always easy, in fact, it can be very challenging. The Journey of L'Abri brought many tests of faith, many direction changes, and many health issues and the list goes on, but God was always faithful.

My thoughts turned to He's SPEAKING! Are we LISTENING? Ministries that God has birthed in the city of Madison, WI. We are starting out small. Our passion is to encourage people to get into the Word because God is SPEAKING! We just need to take the time to listen.

God knows how to send encouragment when we need it. I remember back when God had raised up a few very gifted and talented women who were using their talents in this ministry. Then God brought together a team of women who became the DREAM Team. We are dreaming how we can be used by God with our gifts and talents in our community. We dream about our ministry getting out there and showing God's love to our world. The DREAM Team started small, but God has now brought eight or so women to DREAM together. What a blessing these women have been to this ministry and ME.

Then with any non-profit ministry you need to have an official board and God brought together five people to be on the board. Our board consists of myself, Marilyn, Andy, Mike and Carolyn. We have met three times now. Praise God for our ministry Board of Directors.

Whenever there is a need we ALL pray about it and God provides or shows us that He has something better for us.

As I continued reading L'Abri, my thoughts turned to our ministry over and over again. L'Abri experienced many answers to prayers, so have we. L'Abri experienced many situations where all they could do is trust God, so will we. They experienced many challenges, and so will we, but the bottom line comes straight from the words of the Bible.

1 Thessalonians 5:24
The one who calls us is faithful and He will do it.



So while I am in Europe, Marilyn and the DREAM Team will be meeting. I praise God for every one of you. You are a very important part of the ministry. I look foward to where God is taking us. I'm sure it's beyond our wildest dreams. So DREAM Team, dream big because we serve a BIG GOD. My prayers will be with you. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for all you are doing in this ministry.

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